Sudzy Driver

Download Driver App

Download Sudzy Driver on iOS or Android App Store. Also download Waze if you would like to get directions.

Drivers will be able to see deliveries that were added in the POS or scheduled by the customer in the online ordering widget.

Log In

Log in with the phone and password you created for Driver role types in the employee setup in portal.

Settings: Single vs. Multiple Drivers

If you have just one driver or want all your drivers to see the full delivery list, no action is needed.

If you want to assign deliveries to specific drivers:

1. Assign to drivers in the POS: read tutorial here

2. In Sudzy Driver, click the hamburger icon in the top left and go to Settings. Turn on "Show only my deliveries."

Click the hamburger icon and "Deliveries" to go back. Now the driver will only see the deliveries that were assigned to them in the POS.


There are three tabs: Waiting, In Progress, and Completed.

Waiting means a pickup or delivery request has been made. In Progress means a driver accepted the pickup or delivery. Completed shows the deliveries that were marked as done that day.

Refresh Deliveries

Swipe down at the top.


Accept or Reject

Waiting means a delivery request has been made. Swipe left and click Accept or Reject.

In Progress

Optional: Optimize Route

Click on the deliveries you want to optimize for a certain hour. You will see a purple checkmark. Click the Optimize button in the top right (see below). The orders will be rearranged.

You can also change the order of a route by clicking the Reorder in the middle and dragging and dropping the orders.

Then you can see the checked deliveries on a map by clicking the Map button.

Optional: Get Directions

Swipe left on the delivery and click "Drive". This will show directions in Waze if you have Waze installed.

Mark as done

Swipe left on delivery and click "Done". Both buttons to left of the delivery will then be green. In the Delivery page in the POS, the buttons will be green too so the attendant knows the delivery was finished.

You will then have the option to print if you want. Otherwise click Close.


Completed shows any deliveries that were done that day. You can also view the deliveries in the Portal Delivery Report.