Order -Dropoff

Add A Dropoff

Step 1. Tap the Dropoff icon on the Dashboard

Step 2. Select the customer

To search for an existing customer, enter the name, phone number, or last 4 digits of the phone number, then tap the correct customer info when it appears. (Image 1)

To create a new customer, tap the ‘Signup’ button. The customer name and mobile phone number are required. You can assign the customer to a specific billing group from the list of choices on the right; tap the ‘+Signup’ button to save the information. (Image 2)

(Image 1) Search for customer

(Image 2) Create new customer

Step 3. Add Items

Add Items

Tap the icon of the item of clothing to be cleaned. Set the quantity and optionally add upcharges. Tap the green ‘Save’ button. (Image 3)

Review Order Details

The order details are on the right and include the items of clothing to be cleaned, quantity, price, payment, total, and balance.

Edit Items

Tap the item name on the Order Details screen to edit an item.

Delete Items

Use the red X button in the bottom right to delete.

Step 4. Other Optional Actions

  • Edit Customer: Tap the customer name on the top left of the Order Details; edit customer details and tap ‘Save’.
  • Delete: The ‘Delete’ button enables you to delete an order if no payment has been received. You can disable it in Settings -> Security by setting to management only.
  • Order Notes: Tap the ‘Note’ button on the bottom of the order page, type the note and tap ‘Close’ on the top right. You will see the note in the order details and it will print on the ticket.

*To add a note to the customer’s contact details which will show on every order, go to the ‘Edit Customer’ page.

  • Print Tags: Tap the ‘Print’ button at the bottom of the order page and 'Tags'. Tap “Print Tags’ to print a tag for each item to be drycleaned. To automatically print tags when an order is saved, go to Settings- > Printers and set autoprint tags to ‘True’.
  • Select Due Date: Tap the ‘Due’ button on the bottom of the screen to select the day the order will be ready.
  • Pay: Tap the ‘Pay’ button on the bottom of the screen. See ‘Payments’ for further instructions.
  • History. Click History to see customer's full order history

Step 5. Pause or Save Order

Tap the "Pause" button if you want to come back to the order before saving it. It will then appear in the home page.

Tap the "Done" button to save and print tickets.