
Access the Settings page from the hamburger icon in the top left in the Dashboard.

General (Image 1)

  • Click "Sync With Sudzy Cloud" to sync with your database after updating prices.
  • Click "Automatically Sync Deliveries" to receive information from online orders.

Devices (Image 2)

  1. Click "Default: Connect 650II Bluetooth". This will only work if you have connected the printer to the iPad Bluetooth first.
  2. If you want to use a barcode scanner, click "Use Socket Bluetooth scanner." Then click "Initialize Socket Scanner." It may take a few minutes.

Printers (Image 3)

  1. Printers are set to 650II by default.
  2. Test printers
  3. Optionally configure multiple tickets to print by default and to autoprint tags when tickets are printed

Security (Image 4)

Determine whether pincode is required for opening cash drawer, accessing settings, archiving order. Also enable logging, which means it will show up in the portal.

You can also Signout. This requires you to reconfigure all settings including printers so it is not recommended.


Customize your store workflow further.


See Products page.

(Image 1) General: sync with cloud and update store settings

(Image 2): Devices

(Image 3): Printers

(Image 4): Security